Creating Social Enterprise

Today there are 170,000 social enterprises which contribute over £85bn to the UK economy as well as changing the lives of millions of people. This group of businesses and the good they are doing goes largely unnoticed and this provided the inspiration to set up the Ford Family Foundation (‘FFF’).

Through working in partnership with the major universities in the UK we identify ‘social entrepreneurs’ who have established up Community Interest Companies (CIC’s) or Not for profit companies (NFP’s). Quite commonly they are alumni of the university or local to the university. We offer these companies a significant grant and importantly mentor them to help them grow and make a real impact.

We have donated £3m+ to FFF to enable it to make grants of between £100k- £250k each to over 20 CICs in the next four years. As well as mentoring, we will look to offer support services such as finance and marketing.

Our key criteria are the social entrepreneurs themselves and importantly how big an impact they can make on a national level.

Our first two grants have been to two amazing social entrepreneurs who are making a real difference to peoples lives….. as highlighted in the following case studies

In addition, the Foundation will make smaller donations to worthwhile charities and in 2022 the Foundation made donations to a cancer hospice as well as a donation to a children’s charity focussing on respite care

Recent Grants

  • Grant to Bounceback Foods CIC

    which aims to fight food poverty in the UK

    Read More
  • Grant to Real Education CIC

    Real Direction was set up to help prevent youth crime

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  • Donated to Beechwood Cancer Care Centre

    Offering free support to those with a life limiting illness, and their loved ones.

  • Donated to Honeypot Children’s Charity

    which provide rest-bite care to children of disabled parents

  • Donated

    to help a family rebuild their home after 2017’s Storm Maria.

Team Members

Tony Ford


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Laura Pulleyn

Managing Director

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The Trustees

Tony Ford


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Stuart Lees

Corporate Financier

Dave Gardner

ACA Corporate Financier

For more information, please contact Laura Pulleyn at


Charitable Donations


Grants Provided




Total Funding Provided


Charities and social enterprises supported

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